It's hard to separate hardware and
software -- especially in HA. Software is needed to make [most] hardware
work. So in this section I've put all of the hardware and the software
that relates to it. The software section is for things that are pure
software...mostly. Like I said, this is all very gray.
Some pictures I think are in order. Here's the inside of my electrical
closet. [I tried really hard to Photoshop all of these into one nice
picture, but I gave up. You're just going to have to deal with it.] Try clicking on things.
This is the schematic for the entire electrical closet. It's more of a
logical diagram than a physical one. If I tried to represent every wire it
would have been close to unreadable. So for example, if HV is controlling
an LED there will be a line from one of the output ports to the LED [or
the device that contains the LED], but there wouldn't be a line for the
ground wire.
